Sram Explorer change -------------------- v2.0 : - forked the source from the version 1.3, so modication made after the version 1.3 might not be reported to version 2.0 - Support for pogoshell 2.0 - new Xp Style support - Add digit grouping for all size string - Removed the move file function since it doesn't make any sense with pogoshell 2.0 - Add a file properties dialog box v1.3 : - Add the possibility to move file from one bank to another - Correct a bug that let the user name the file he add .state v1.21 : - Correct a bug that made the wrong contextual menu to display (Help instead of bank). - Corrected a bug that make Sram Explorer crash when you try to use extract all from bank 0 with the "only current bank" option checked. v1.2 : - Add a make a blank file to create empty file of 256ko, can be usefull to reset pogoshell. - Split the Sram function from the gui and put them into a separated dll - This version came with a command line executable : SramExp.exe - Add a little API to manage pogo dump since some people asked - There is now a *.sav filter when you want to open or save a .dump - The open and file dialog box will now remember where you open your dump last - Now system file have "None" display in the Save ID column - You can now import and export a single bank (64ko) if you want - You can now sort your savegame by name,size,type or save ID (doesn't affect your dump) - The size of each column is now save in the registery - You can now import your .state (pogoshell settings) into a dump - Replace the ugly message box that appear when you open a file by a message in the status bar - Correct a bug that made Add file not working from the context menu - Correct a bug that didn't let you choose other extension than the default one in file dialog - Correct a bug that made the column resize not apply to all bank - I remove the edit menu and the icones associated since I don't think I'm gonna implement copy/cut any time soon v1.1 : - Add Drag and drop support for adding savegames - Add a contextual menu - Disabled menu and icone when a command is not accesible - Corrected a stupid bug that made version 1.0 save 0ko files, shame on me v1.01 : - Bad Version - - Change the document icone for the new one - progman did some extra english correction in the txt file - first build in release (smaller file and faster execution) v1.0 : - Add a readme file - Add a faqs - Add a changes log - Add keyboards shortcuts - Add an extract all command - Add a message when you try to exit without saving - Add a "yes for all" button when you extract more than one file - Add some fancy icone in the bank view - You can now rename file with a simple click - Move the bank operation from the file menu to a new bank menu - Correct a crash that happen when you select "Bank empty" and try to delete it - Correct a crash that occure when you open a recent document that doesn't exist anymore - Correct a crash that happen when you open an invalid file and another file was loaded before In the to do list: - Drag and drop support for extracting savegames (any help would be appreciated for that) SramExp.exe change ------------------ v2.0 beta 1: - forked the source from the version 1.0, so modication made after the version 1.0 might not be reported to version 2.0 - full support of pogoshell 2.0 v1.0 beta 1 : - initial release SramReader.dll change --------------------- v2.0 : - forked the source from the version 1.1, so modication made after the version 1.1 might not be reported to version 2.0 - full support of pogoshell 2.0 v1.1 : - A new AddFile function had been added to the CSramBank class v1.0 : - initial release